
Agriculture Development :Meeting local farmers and providing assistance

23 August 2023
2023-08-23 14:06

Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr. Aung Gyi met with Taninthayi Region Cheif Minister U Myat Ko and regional ministers at the Region Government office on Tuesday for the development of oil palm production and capacity of the oil mill, acceleration of fish and prawn farmings and local food sufficiency.

Then, the Chief Minister and Deputy Minister attended the ceremony of demonstration of the spreading natural fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixture in monsoon paddy plantation in Dawei Township. In meeting with the local farmers and growers, the Chief Minister and the deputy Minister Dr. Aung Gyi provided necessary instructions.

Then, the Chief Minister and party provided coffee, cocoa and oil palm saplings and natural fertilizers to the farmers and growers and inspected the spreading of fertilizers in Sin Thukha paddy plantation. It’s learnt that 223,747 acres of monsoon plantations are targetted to be planted in Taninthayi Region during 2023-2024 and a total of 195, 982 acres of monsoon plantations have already planted.

Then, Deputy Minister Dr. Aung Gyi and party inspected Agriculture Institute (Dawei) which is destroyed by PDF terrorists in GokIn Village, Launglon Township in Dawei District and coordinated necessities for renovating the damaged buildings as quickly as possible to reopen the institute.

Then, the Deputy Minster met with the departmental officials at the Department of Agriculture and urged the officials to cooperate for the acceleration of crop plantation, providing necessary technology assistance and sustainable development of the maritime industry.

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