
Agriculture and Irrigation: Fresher Welcome Ceremony & Hydraulic Elevator Dam

28 January 2024
2024-01-28 11:08

Yezin Agricultural University organized a fresher welcome ceremony on Saturday, with the attendance of Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Min Naung. He urged all to try hard in their studying so as to contribute for development of agriculture, socio-economic status and income generation of rural community.

Established in 22nd December 1924, the university turns its centennial anniversary this year. In 2024-2025 academic year, 211 joined the university as fresher students. Subsequently, a ceremony to drive stake for construction of multipurpose hall, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Yezin Agricultural University was held, and the Union Minister and the Deputy Ministers drove the stakes at the designated places.

Then, the Union Minister and party participated in the 20th anniversary celebration for establishing the Agricultural Research Department. The Outstanding staff in research and work performance were awarded during the ceremony.

Later in the day, the Union Minister and Deputy Minister U Bo Bo Kyaw visited Paung Laung Dam, and inspected the installation of Hydraulic Elevator Dam at the Spillway. This new installation could help store more volume of water, resulting in increased generation of electricity annually. The project is expected to complete in 2024-2025 fiscal year.

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